Israeli Prime Minister’s Nemesis Wants To Make Israel Normal Again

Avigdor Liberman of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, who stopped Netanyahu from forming an Israeli government, wants to Make Israel Normal Again. The slogan, which showed up at the end of the party’s latest campaign ad, is a clear nod to US President Trump’s infamous ‘Make America Great Again’ quip.

Israel’s general election is slated to hold in September, the second one this year. When PM Netanyahu failed to form a coalition government, the Knesset (Israel’s Parliament) voted to dissolve itself and have another election. Israel practices the parliamentary system of government, where the party or coalition of parties with the most votes form(s) the government. Votes during the elections are for parties, rather than individuals and Knesset seats are assigned in proportion to each party’s percentage of the total national vote.

Failure to form a coalition government

Since the Lukid party, which Netanyahu heads, did not win the majority of Knesset seats in the April general election, the Prime Minister (appointed by the president based on the recommendation from members of the Knesset) is tasked with forming a coalition. By the deadline date, Netanyahu had still not gotten the majority of Knesset members on his side.

Avigdor Liberman’s role

A sticking point during coalition talks was the passage of the draft law for the conscription of yeshiva students into the Israeli Military. While the ultra-Orthodox parties are in favour of the draft law as it is –exemption of Yeshiva students– the secular ultranationalist parties are not.

Avigdor Liberman, the leader of the secular ultranationalist party, Yisrael Beiteinu, introduced“a bill that would gradually increase the quota of ultra-Orthodox men in military service and impose penalties and fines if the quota were not reached.” He has vowed not to join a coalition government if the bill is changed.

What does Liberman stand to gain?

He has been criticized for opposing Netanyahu’s coalition for selfish and political gains. According to the Jerusalem Post: “Liberman is positioning his party as a moderate alternative to Israel’s far left and far right. Liberman’s ad claims that Netanyahu is ready to ally with the far-right and Haredi Orthodox parties. It also claims the prime minister’s rival, Benny Gantz, is ready to ally with the centre-left Labor Party and Arab-Israeli parties, who are seen as far left in Israel. Instead, Liberman promises to form a unity government with both sides.”

His latest ad, coupled with his lack of support for both Netanyahu and the Blue and White party, could be a strategy to position himself as a candidate for Prime Minister. In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Liberman does not deny the possibility, stating: “I have to be realistic. I am not rejecting this possibility, but I am not blinded by it either… I borrow a phrase from Yitzhak Rabin, who said that politics are an option and not an obsession. We will see what happens, and if there will be an opportunity, then we will decide.”